Institute for Innovation, Care and Ageing

The Institute for  Innovation, Care and Ageing ("Insitut für Innovation, Pflege und Alter"=IPA) is one of the main actors in the implementation of the innovation concept of the Evangelische Heimstiftung. Its focus is on research activities related to relevant problems from nursing practice. IPA examines existing supply structures, concepts and technologies, evaluates them and derives new goals from the results.

Our research is application-oriented. This means that we actively involve our care professionals, residents and external network partners in order to generate knowledge and initiate new developments. Moreover, IPA participates in state and nationwide externally funded projects and studies that are in line with the EHS goals. We want to promote the scientific exchange of ideas through lectures, publications and networking both within the EHS and within the entire care sector.


Ongoing research projects

Digital educational processes for older residents in assisted living arrangements and care facilities.

Short description: Using participatory methods and a peer-to-peer concept, the project aims to provide digital access (e.g. tablets and Internet) for older residents in assisted living arrangements and care facilities. In addition, educational and participation opportunities in the social space are developed. The research results will be a transfer concept capable of being scaled nationwide to other living arrangements for older people.

Duration: 09/2020-08/2025

Project partners:

  • Katholische Hochschule Freiburg
  • Zentrum für Allgemeine Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung der Universität Ulm
  • Stiftung MedienKompetenz Forum Südwest (MKFS), Ludwigshafen/Mainz

Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Research focus „Digitalisation in education“ within the des BMBF-Programme Empirical Educational Research

Visit the project website

Short Description: The project examines the passive exoskeleton BionicBack by hTRIUS, which is specifically designed for caregiving to reduce back strain and prevent injuries. The aim is to evaluate the potential added value of this technology for caregivers.

Duration: 02/2025-07/2025

Project Partner:

Help Tech GmbH & Co. KG

What can an AI robot do for people in nursing homes?

Short Description:

Navel is a social robot of the latest generation. It possesses unique abilities in verbal and non-verbal communication based on various AI technologies. For example, it can perceive and send social signals in real-time and interact with residents and staff based on this.

Its purpose is to emotionally and cognitively activate people in need of care, thereby supporting or relieving the nursing staff. To this end, Navel can autonomously approach individuals, address them by name, inquire about their well-being, tell jokes, play quizzes, and ask engaging questions.

As part of a pilot project, we will test Navel in two inpatient care facilities in Albershausen and Mannheim. The pilot phase will be scientifically accompanied by our internal Institute for Care and Aging. Furthermore, we are developing the robot further in collaboration with the developer team of navel robotics GmbH, using feedback from practical experience.

Duration: from 10/2022

Project Partner:

navel robotics

Completed research projects (selection)

Digital competence for medical service providers, especially doctors and care professionals in Baden-Württemberg.

Short description: 

The DiKoMed-BW project aims to integrate needs-based qualification offers into the education and training of doctors and care workers that strengthen their digital skills. In this context, we are developing concepts at the EHS that enable caregivers and daytime companions to pass on digital competences to their colleagues, especially regarding the use of new technologies (tablets, TAVLA, mobile care documentation).

Duration: 06/2021-12/2022


Project partners:  

  • Koordinierungsstelle Telemedizin Baden-Württemberg (Konsortialführer)
  • LebensPhasenHaus, EKUT Tübingen
  • Steinbeis Transferzentrum Soziale und Technische Innovation
  • Landeskompetenzzentrum für Pflege & Digitalisierung Baden-Württemberg
  • Landesärztekammer Baden-Württemberg
  • Abteilung Pflegewissenschaften Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
  • Institut für Pflegewissenschaften, Med. Fakultät, Universität Freiburg
  • Klinik für Palliativmedizin am Universitätsklinikum, Universität Freiburg
  • Mannheimer Interprofessionelle Ausbildungsstation (MIA)
  • Fachhochschule mit Schwerpunkt Pflegeberufe - FH Weingarten/Ravensburg
  • BruderhausDiakonie-Stiftung Gustav Werner und Haus am Berg (BruderH), Reutlingen

Funding: European Social Fund (ESF) for Baden-Württemberg, Programme E 1.1.3 REACT-EU Digitale Befähigung in Medizin und Akutpflege

Evaluation of innovative post-inpatient short-term care.

Short description: The aim of the evaluation is to examine the effectiveness on the state of health and rehabilitation potential of short-term care guests. Within the framework of a model project, various measures are implemented in solitary short-term care facilities. The effects are monitored and scientifically evaluated.

Duration: 06/2022-06/2024

Project partners:

  • Bad Sebastiansweiler GmbH
  • IGES Institut GmbH, Berlin

Funding: Innovationsprogramm Pflege 2022, Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration



Dr. Judith Schoch
Head of Unit Institute for Innovation, Care and Ageing

Tel. +49 711 63676-187