Navel is a pilot project of the Evangelische Heimstiftung that explores the question of what a social robot can do for people in a nursing home.
Together with the development team from navel robotics, we are researching at two locations how the small robot behaves in a real environment. Navel is equipped with artificial intelligence and is constantly learning. As part of a pilot project, we are observing him and further developing the robot. We are providing scientific support for the project through our own Institute for Care and Aging. The scientific study was reviewed by an independent ethics committee.
Navel is a social robot. He is innovative and uses the possibilities of artificial intelligence.
What makes it special: Navel can interact with people. He interprets faces, voice or movements and reacts. Over time, Navel can remember people, hold conversations and tell jokes.
How can artificial intelligence (AI) make our lives easier? As an innovative company, we at the Evangelische Heimstiftung are asking ourselves this question for care. As a diaconal company, we want to know how AI can serve the people we care for. How do residents like a robot, how do they interact with it, what are the opportunities and what do we need to pay attention to? We are using Navel to find out. It's a completely new experience for us, and for Navel, too, because it's the very first time he's been in a nursing home for an extended period of time.
Navel is currently at the Haus im Wiesengrund in Albershausen and is learning every day. Another social robot will soon move into the Seniorenzentrum Rheinauer Tor facility in Mannheim.
Digitization is changing life and work and posing new challenges for the Evangelische Heimstiftung. As a service provider and employer, the Evangelische Heimstiftung is therefore consciously opening itself up to the possibilities of digital technology. At the same time, technical progress should always serve people. For this reason, the Evangelische Heimstiftung has formulated ten ethical principles for digitalization.
The scientific study was reviewed by an independent ethics committee. In addition, the project is regularly discussed in the project advisory board, employees are questioned and actively accompanied during the project.
Dr. Judith Schoch
Head of Unit Institute for Care and Ageing
Tel. +49 711 63676-187